My resolution for 2025
Published: Jan 10, 2025

Last year, I didn’t have a resolution. I actually did write one during Lunar New Year, and at the end, the post was lost in time as I was too lazy to publish it. Now, I don’t have anything to review.

That was a bad decision :)

The list

Things I aim to achieve in 2025:

  • Improve my Japanese skill and be more serious at learning Japanese

Japanese tech bros are something else. They are my inspiration to learn the language: I want to inherit their knowledge.

This year, I will consume more Japanese medias and contents (without translations) to immerse myself in the language. Hopefully I can reach N4 or better this year.

  • Create new coding projects

I had so many project ideas in my head but never got the time to do it.

  • Complete my dotfiles

Linux has been more fun to configure with NixOS. I have also decided on what program to use and configured most of them so the only thing left is to integrate those into my NixOS config and then I would finally have an ideal Linux desktop after years.

  • Update my website more frequently

Never have I been so happy with my website before. With a good design, the only thing left is to improve the site’s content.

I plan to write at least one blog post per week and find ways to improve my writing.

  • Complete my website

Needs more components to make some contents more readable. Switch to Org for writing. Write a better about me and webring page as well.

  • Higher WPM using Colemak

Also the end of last year, I got myself to learn Colemak to avoid potential wrist problems in the future. I didn’t have much hope for my typing speed to be higher than when I was on QWERTY (100 WPM in 30 secs, avg. 60 WPM on quotes), but after considering my experience with the layout so far, it’s very promising… (follow-up blog post soon?)

  • Quit watching YouTube (on desktop)

I had a bad habit of wasting time on YouTube Shorts >:( every time I feel bored.

  • Quit using Discord

I should have stopped caring about Discord a while ago. Though, it’s too late to remove Discord from my life, since I have already known a lot of people on the platform and don’t want to suddenly cut ties with them.

To limit my Discord usage, on the first day of 2025, I switched to an alternative account and disabled my main account, left all servers but the two I mentioned in a blog post before, and block all DMs and friend requests.

  • Read more books

I feel like I’m missing out on something + not reading enough. Some books/novels I plan to read (for now):

  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  • The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster

(See the pattern?)

  • Be more organized

It was horrible last year. That’s what I could say. I want Emacs to be a part of my life (do more ).


The list is pretty long, isn’t it? I don’t know if I will be able to complete this list, since this year will be somewhat busy for me IRL. Well, that’s a story for an another blog post.

Have a nice new year, everyone.